The Bird House Counseling Center
Sycamore Springs Elementary
Dripping Springs ISD
14451 Sawyer Ranch Rd, Austin, TX 78737
(512) 858-3903 ~ kim.bird@dsisdtx.us
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
~ Dr. Seuss
Welcome to SY 18-19
Who I Am
Hello!! My name is Ms. Bird and I am so excited to be the counselor for Sycamore Springs Elementary school. I have been working professionally with children and their families since 1992 as a therapist, teacher, behavior specialist and as a school counselor. Some of my favorite hobbies are traveling with my family, reading, gardening, art and playing with new toys. I am looking forwarding to learning and growing with our #SycaMORE Tigers.
Counseling Services

Guidance and Counseling
This is where I spend most of my time. This is spent in classrooms delivering the guidance curriculum along with social emotional lessons and promotion of our campus leadership initiatives

Responsive Services
This is time spent working with small groups of students, teachers or parents in relation to specific requests or needs that are unable to taken care of through the classroom guidance program.

Systems Support
This is time I spend in meetings, during arrival or dismissal or in other areas to support the broader campus goals.